What’s the ONE thing you need right now so that you can stay in your zone of genius?

Web and case study audit
Brand and messaging strategy
Content retainer

Brand Strategy Collaboration

For brand strategists and creative studios who want to grow their creative team, take on bigger projects, and scale their impact, but there's too much to do and so little time.

Bring in Lev as a project manager


Collaborate with Lev as a co-strategist

Brand and messaging strategy

For brand strategists and creative entrepreneurs who want to get clarity on what makes them unique in the market and how they can tell that message so they can connect with their dream clients and grow towards their goals.


Strategy workshop


Research and


Roadmap delivery and project wrap-up

Brand strategy case study

Done-for-you in 1 week

For brand strategists and designers who want to show the strategic process and research beyond the deliverables in creative projects.


Case study dive


Write and review


Layout the copy
and publish

Web and case study audit

3-day intensive

For creative entrepreneurs who are unsure whether the messaging on your website and case studies are aligning with your brand goals and attracting your dream clients.


Send copy and brand strategy documents


Review and audit


Get audit notes
and suggested action steps


Ready to Collab?


Lev is a great listener and very easy to talk to. She helped me process my thoughts in a really fun, low pressure interactive session and translated it into a fantastic case study! I left feeling more confident about my work.

Jez Towner
Web Designer, Lucky Kaya Creative


Lev's process is very much like having a chat with a friend. Nothing about it feels overwhelming or taxing. She's able to deliver promptly without skimping on quality!

Yaritsa Arenas
Brand Strategist


Lev is an AMAZING collaborator, love her energy and how she understands strategically what matters most! She is a genuine and authentic human being whom I highly respect and would love to work with again.

Asha Mody
Founder & Chief Brand Officer, Mindsy Design